If you're not body moisturising this way you're missing out

If you're not body moisturising this way you're missing out
By Rebecca Todd  | Oct 5, 2018

Body moisturising is one of those menial pain-in-the-behind tasks that exists. There's so much surface area to cover and waiting to dry is no fun.

Winters a comin' and it's getting really cold. Winter brings with it all the dry and flaky skin problems. It's hard to believe it's that time of year already - what happened to the great back-to-school weather? I feel like we missed out on that one this year. It's already time to root out your winter woolies and get cosy.

You'll probably find right about now that your skin is beginning to look pasty and dry on your face and body. It's time to start slathering yourself in body moisturiser post-shower to keep your body in good condition. Body moisturising is not by any means an enjoyable task but dry body oil makes it a little bit easier.

There are about five million options for body moisturiser out there. Most of them will comfort your dry skin and take the grey scaly look off you. But there's something sensual about a dry body oil. They make the whole body moisturising task a little less of a chore and a bit more of an enjoyable pampering experience. Oils generally smell amazing because they are made with fragrant essential oils and plant extracts. This gives them a natural aroma to make your moisturising time a relaxing aromatherapy experience.


They feel sublime going on to your skin. A dry body oil spreads easily across your skin. They have a gorgeous slip to them. A conventional body cream needs to warm up against your skin. It will usually scoop out of the tube or squeeze from a tube in a semi-solid form. When you start rubbing it into your skin it will start to break down and spread more easily. With a dry body oil, it spreads easily straight away. They stay fluid constantly and glide on easily.

The clincher for me is that they dry so quickly. There's nothing worse than standing around in the cold in winter while your moisturiser dries in. If you get dressed too quickly your legs will be sticking to your jeans in a most uncomfortable manner. A dry body oil absorbs instantly so you can get dressed pretty much straight away. You do need to make sure you spread it well. If you leave too much in an area it won't absorb completely and could stain your clothes. It's so easy to spread, though, that it shouldn't be a problem.

How often do you moisturise your full body?