Beyoncé releases behind-the-scenes Lemonade pics and they are glorious

Beyoncé releases behind-the-scenes Lemonade pics and they are glorious
By Miriam Burke  | Aug 23, 2016

Lemonade is already four months old, but it is the gift that keeps on giving.

The video itself is a freaking piece of art from the music to the visuals, but now Bey has gone and released a tonne of behind-the-scenes images on her website. (After you've perused, let's discuss that grey suit: does it mark the return of Ally McBeal style workwear? You'll know what I'm talking when you see it.)

Now, back to Lemonade, and the Queen herself waving a Boycott Beyoncé (presumably in response to the furore over her Reformation video) placard and goofing around in that now-iconic yellow costume. You. Go. Girl.


Other images include Beyoncé jumping around on mattresses looking delighted with herself, Beyoncé on a window ledge, and Beyoncé driving a monster truck. Yep.

Now, back to the grey suit. Would you wear it to work?