This is why Chelsea Handler keeps posting nude selfies

This is why Chelsea Handler keeps posting nude selfies
By  | Apr 22, 2016

For those who've managed to avoid Chelsea's strategically placed Bonsai shrub of late; the 41-year-old been posted naked pictures of herself to celebrate her friends' birthdays, such as Reese Witherspoon and Maria Sharapova.

But is it the greatest gift she could give them - or the greatest gift she could give Netflix...

In a recent interview with Fast Company, the host of Netflix's show Chelsea had this to say: "Nudity is funny, especially when it’s inappropriate... Would I do these things if I wasn’t famous? No. If I didn’t have something to promote, I wouldn't. It’s just something you have to do right now."

True, it has garnered her "column inches", but surely there's another way?! For example, has anyone ever seen a naked selfie of Jimmy Kimmel? James Corden perhaps, but any of Jimmy Fallon? Discuss.

Via Us Weekly
