Dad creates Illustrations of Random Things his Two-Year-Old Says

Dad creates Illustrations of Random Things his Two-Year-Old Says
By  | Feb 27, 2015

Whether you believe that kids say the funniest things, or that out of the mouths of babes oft times come gems, young kids do have a way with words. 

In particular, Martin Bruckner found that to be the case when his daughter Harper came in to his life, and between things that she says and things that he and his wife Michelle end up saying to her, some very strange sentences get uttered in his household. 

As a result, he decided to start a Tumblr page where he made some beautiful creative posters for the bizarre phrases that were exchanged between them under the name Spaghetti Toes, as a result of the time that they had to tell her not to put spaghetti between her toes. 

It turns out that struck a chord with a lot of parents out there, and they began sending in their own strange and wonderful conversations that they have with their toddlers and getting a piece of artwork in return, proving that children can be pretty surreal. 


If you like the designs, then check Spaghetti Toes out on Tumblr, Facebook and Etsy, where you can get your own original print made up. 

Do you have any, eh, wisdom that the little people in your world have bestowed upon you?