Definitive Top Ten List of Best Christmas Tins

Definitive Top Ten List of Best Christmas Tins
By Beaut  | Dec 11, 2015

Christmas is just around the corner, and no matter where in the country you are, there's bound to be a tin, container or plastic something or other sitting under the tree on the big day.

And said tin will then be opened and devoured by the family as you all sit around watching the TV to see all your favourite Christmas movies.

And then the inevitable row breaks out.

That row normally takes place after the tin has been emptied, with the chocolate-covered finger of blame pointed at the person who had more than their fair share, but when it comes to what tin lands in your grubby mitts on the day, well there are plenty of options.

Between chocolates, biscuits and all sorts, there is not shortage of competition in the market for the best Christmas tin out there, but which is the best of the best? Which tin does everyone want to see when they wake up on December 25th? Well, after much debate and a violent fight in the office involving crowbars, we have come up with THE definitive list of the best Christmas tins and boxes for all your shopping and pigging out needs.

12) Black Magic

"More of an upper-class chocolate", apparently.


11) Fabulously Fox's biscuit selection

We like the wise guy panda in the Fox's ads what pronounces the word bisquit funny, but that's not enough to get higher up the list.

10) Elite Chocolate Kimberly 

A surprising entry for the Kimberly here, mainly because it really goes well with a cup of tea. Also the first entry for Jacobs, who are masters of the Christmas tin market.


9) Quality Street

For some, this will be too low a position but for others, the selection pales in comparison to other options out there.

8) Afternoon Tea

Another Jacobs biscuit selection, and an absolute classic. However, they've plummeted down the table after removing the jelly star which has proven an unpopular decision. Though we hear rumours that it's been returned - can anyone please confirm?

7) After Eights


Wafer thin and minty fresh, the only downside is that people leave their empty wrappers in the tin (or box), making you think there are more left than there actually are.

6) Heroes

A good mix of your favourite Cadbury's chocolates and it includes little Toblerones...or at least it did last year we think. It's hard to keep up with the hectic comings and goings in the industry.

5) Ferrero Rocher

Need we say more:


Also the Raffaello. Good lord they're good.

4) USA

No home was ever without these when there were guests coming around, which makes them so special. That, and they're clearly from America, say so right on the tin there. Why would they lie to us? What do they have to gain?

3) Milk Tray

The lady loves Milk Tray, apparently, but no matter what your gender that orange one is delicious.


2) Roses

A Christmas staple, this year it misses out on the number one spot, despite the fact that they brought back the coffee sweet, which is bloody great.

1) Celebrations

Sitting atop the pile is Celebrations, the perfect combination of bite-sized bars for all the family, and consistently proves year on year that people will eat Bounty bars if there's nothing else left.

Now, while we have claimed that this is the definitive list, we are expecting a firestorm of angry feedback from the lovers of chocolate Kimberleys, so please get in touch via the comments and defend your tin friend.