Editor’s Letter: Why we're dedicating April to #friendship

Editor’s Letter: Why we're dedicating April to #friendship
By Andrea  | Apr 7, 2016

If friends are the family that you choose for yourself, I'm grateful that I've managed to surround myself with the most beautifully crazy, entertaining and supportive faux-familial unit.

They make me laugh, they make me think, they make me want to throttle them sometimes. They pick me up when I'm having a low day, they celebrate my successes and they create Whatsapp groups with the sole purpose of tormenting me.

They really are my very own Modern Family. And we all have our own versions of the Pritchetts and the Dunphys in our lives.

And this month on Beaut.ie, we are celebrating those important relationships in our lives.


Some friends we bring with us from our childhood; they know us better than anyone else, can take the temperature of our mood from how we answer the 'phone and remember the monstrosity of a dress that we wore to our debs.

Other friends we make during college or our first years at work, learning together how to navigate the world like a supposed-adult. And new friends bring a colour and a freshness to our lives that reaffirms our faith in the fact that humanity is actually pretty decent underneath it all.

This month we'll be bringing you articles on all things to do with #friendship, and to kick it off we have lots of beauty goodies to give away for you to share with your best friend.

And we'd love to hear about your Modern Family; are your closest friends from childhood or are they work colleagues? And do they still share that picture of your debs dress on Whatsapp?