Favourite (and not so favourite) celebrity couples - which ones do you love?

Favourite (and not so favourite) celebrity couples - which ones do you love?
By Beaut.ie  | Nov 13, 2012

I think I've definitely been reading too many trashy (but enjoyable) celeb magazines lately because I've started to actually care about their relationships.  Totes ridic I know! But here's my run down of who I'm hearting, feeling a bit meh about and actively not liking at all.  Of course they could all split up in the morning - but here goes for now.


Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz
Rachel you are one lucky, lucky lady. Not only are you a beautiful talented actress you’ve also married one of the hottest men in the whole world. And you know what I love most about this couple? They’ve been friends for years, they’re roughly the same age (I would have gone right off Daniel if he had married a woman twenty years younger than him) and they are notoriously private – they lead their lives just the way they want. And Daniel’s just made THE best Bond film ever – Skyfall is a triumph for both him and Sam Mendes.

David and Harper Beckham

Yes I know this should really be about David and Posh – but Oh My God the pictures of David and cute little Harper (a toddler so delicious you’d just want to blow raspberries on her fat little cheeks at every opportunity) and David is just getting better and better and better with age. This pair are melting my heart.

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux
FINGERS CROSSED everyone that this will be the end of all those “poor Jen” stories in the gossip mags. Jen’s never looked better or happier; he’s a handsome bastard (and funny with it) and the moment I saw them together in Wanderlust the chemistry was so obvious that it just gives me a really good feeling about them. Here's how to do a red carpet man makeover Liz!

Amy Huberman and Brian O’Driscoll
Irelands sweethearts, this pair have more charm, talent and good looks than most of the rest of the population put together. Love them.


Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher
I love Mila, but I’m sorry I think Ashton is a bit of a douche. He’s absolutely crap in Two and A Half Men and I just still can’t help feeling really sorry for Demi. But still, Mila and Ashton could weather the Demi divorce and emerge happy and stronger for it – here’s hoping.

Elizabeth Hurley and Shane Warne
Christ on a cracker. Jesus Liz what have you done to him – he looks like a melted Ken doll whose teeth can now be seen from outer space . If you have to change a man this much and are so concerned with how he looks is he really for you?

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Still no. I know it’s a hundred years since we were all “Team Jen” or “Team Angelina” but I can’t warm to them as a couple at all. I used to love Angelina when she was younger and totally wild, but now it seems to take a lot for either of them to crack a smile. Can’t get on board with them at all and their million children.

So what about you?  Agree with me - or have more thoughts - bet you do!