I Smell Burning: Robin Thicke's #AskThicke Twitter Q+A Didn't Go Very Well. But it is Very Funny.

I Smell Burning: Robin Thicke's #AskThicke Twitter Q+A Didn't Go Very Well. But it is Very Funny.
By Beaut.ie  | Jul 1, 2014

It must have seemed like a good idea at the time.

Some bright spark at VH1 came up with the plan to host a virtual Q&A with 'Blurred Lines' singer Robin Thicke on Twitter last night and, as everyone but these folks at VH1 would have predicted, the things descended into utter farce within a matter of minutes.

They might have been expecting questions about the singer's new album 'Paula', or whether or not he has any more plans to work with Pharrell Williams but, well, it seemed that the Twitter hivemind didn't care for queries like that very much. A quick glance at Robin's Twitter page reveals that he didn't answer much, or any, of these queries.

Below are some of the highlights:


There's nothing else for it. He must don some cling film underpants, run around topless like a mindless object and shake what his mama papa gave him. Because that's what's attractive right?

No word on whether Paula Patton sent him a tweet asking him to leave her the hell alone, confirming that no, she does not in fact want it. Best out of that, Paula, best out of that.

What would you have asked Mr. Thicke in the Q&A? Who gives you the shivers down your back (and not in a good way)?