Instagram's Desktop Makeover Makes Your Selfies Hee-uge!

Instagram's Desktop Makeover Makes Your Selfies Hee-uge!
By David  | Jun 11, 2015

That's right, all that filtering just embiggened and right now everyone is staring at your pores.

As of Tuesday, Instagram began updating the desktop version of the photo app, streamlining it to look more like the mobile version and generally giving it a facelift.

The most noticeable feature however is that the tiled images are larger and when clicked blow up to a much bigger size, meaning that you're going to have to start working harder on your photo skills to keep yourself looking well under the microscope.

In short, it's generally more of a pleasant experience than it used to be - but it might be time to up your filter/selfie face game.

Via Mashable

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