Jayziz Joanna, YER FIORT

Jayziz Joanna, YER FIORT
By Beaut.ie  | Nov 4, 2008

So Joanna Murphy and her rictus grin got slung ourra de house last night on Bill-o's De Apprentiss. I was sorry to see her go - she was definitely one of the most entertaining of all the wannabes, but my word, is she a little highly strung. And her exit interview had a bit of a bang of unhinged about it, too, what with the eyes rolling into the back of the head, etc.

So I thought I'd make a few suggestions to Joanna, in the interests of her arteries. It can't be good for you being that pent up all the time. First up is Origins minty Peace of Mind. Now Joanna, I'm the project leader on this, and I won't be overruled. Dab a dose of this onto temples and pulse points and allow your breathing to slow and calm. Next up, close that mouth by sipping a cup of chamomile tea. Calming and soothing, it's a sure-fire way to destress. You could also try dousing your liathrodi in a lavender-scented bath, which is great for easing muscle tension brought on by all that mad smiling.


And if all else fails, you could always try valium.