Kim and Kanye are pregnant: nobody cares YET we can't stop talking about it

Kim and Kanye are pregnant: nobody cares YET we can't stop talking about it
By  | Jan 8, 2013

I think we've all heard by now that Kim Kardashian is pregnant. Yes, by adorable Kanye West; he of the barging onstage to interrupt acceptance speeches at award ceremonies, best mates with Jay-Z - you know the one.

As far as I can work out, there aren't many of us who profess to care too much, yet there seem to be few who aren't aware of the fact after Kanye announced it onstage during a concert and it became an immediate headliner around the globe.

It was a slow news day, as one national paper pointed out, seemingly embarrassed at having to report the story at all (though still positioning it above the fact that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had been hospitalised with a blood clot). And yes, we were in the post-Christmas lull, but there's no doubt the announcement would have been everywhere even in a busier week.

Before there's a clamour of "why are you posting about it if it annoys you so much?" comments, I should clarify that I'm not outraged by the fact that this kind of celebrity gossip has become world news. We love celebrities, even when we hate them. We love pregnant celebrities even more and the ultimate celeb-pregnancy scenario is when the parents-to-be are a somewhat unlikely pairing who both came to the table with their own celebrity status.


So it's unsurprising that this story was so big and so everywhere given our current celebrity gossip culture - we know that Kim's figure and wardrobe choices will be hotly debated (even moreso than usual) over the next few months and we'll all be on the edges of our seats waiting to hear what bizarre moniker the baby is saddled with when he or she finally arrives.

And the fun has already begun with this quite horrible forensic artist's impression of what the baby might look like. If it were made out of plastic maybe. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this image.

Though of course as the months go by we still won't claim to care about it, will we?