#MondayMotivation with Model and DJ Daniella Moyles

#MondayMotivation with Model and DJ Daniella Moyles
By Beaut.ie  | May 30, 2016

Daniella Moyles is as inspirational as they come. She aspired to host her very own radio show and to make an impressive mark on the Irish broadcasting landscape, and that’s exactly what she’s doing now, alongside Cormac Moore on Spin 103.8’s Fully Charged. With the warmth and hilarity of Daniella on board, the ratings have increased massively.

She was incredibly passionate about travelling – gurl takes a mean holiday snap, sure to leave you riddled with envy – and so embarked on a new blogging venture – The Travel Two – where she has now combined her love of writing and seeing the world.

When she’s not doing what she loves most, she’s one of Ireland’s most in-demand models, and not that we’re all about looks or anything but DAMN, she’s beautiful. Like INSANELY beautiful. In fact, her face alone is #MondayMotivation, and her Instagram feed is general #LifeMotivation. At the risk of now sounding like a full blown creep, we’ll hand you over to Miss Moyles who’ll more than kick your Monday blues up the arse; she’s got some major food for thought, and we’re certainly taking it on board.

How do you start your week?
Early! My alarm goes off at 5:30 am, and I’ve had to make some big lifestyle adjustments to get used to that. Breakfast is always prepped the night before, my green juice is generally in the fridge waiting to be blitzed, and I leave my comfiest outfit on the heater.

That’s horribly early. Top tips for a Monday?
I’ve started cycling to work since the mornings are brighter and the weather’s better. It really blows the cobwebs away, and I suppose this might be unique to my hours, but the quietness of the city, the sun rising and the birds chirping, usually sets me up for a good day.

Your Monday fear cure?
Sorry, I’m no help to you there. Monday fear is just not an option when you’re up at 5:30 am, I’d be in bed by 10:30 pm latest so I’ve never had it!

So maybe the answer is just to avoid a night of debauchery? The answer to a shitty Monday = cop on! You’re alive and healthy. The world is a big beautiful place, and you’re here for an instant. It’s shitty attitudes that need adjusting, not shitty Mondays.


Best life advice?
Always remember how fleeting your time is, that always helps me to never get bogged down by the silly stuff.

Never a truer word spoken. Worst life advice you’ve been given and ignored?
I always had a weird instinct that the stuff they were teaching us in school was bad advice. Dressing the same as everyone else, grooming you for a life of 9 – 5. I always hated the mass conformity of it and the notion that it was the “right” thing to do. I hate people telling me what to do!

Best career advice?
Just be nice. Never burn bridges and understand that your people skills will benefit you far more than any qualification in the long run.

We’re with you there. We’ve never been asked about our Junior Cert results. Tell us about an experience when somebody said, in so many words, that you probably couldn’t achieve what you want to, but then you did it anyway.
I came up against that obstacle all the time as I tried to transition from modelling into broadcasting. I was told no over and over, pushed into “suitable” areas for me and pigeonholed all the time. Now I make a stable living in radio’s most sought-after slot, a station’s breakfast show is its holy grail and not a role just dished out to anyone without the chops. It’s something I’m very proud of.

And you should be; you’re bloody brilliant at it. Song you’ll definitely dance to when nobody’s looking?
Anything Craig David’s ever released. I’d happily do it in public too; the man’s a living legend.

When you’re really pissed off, you’re most likely to…
Talk it out; I’m a big talker. I like to tackle issues quickly and resolve things as soon as possible; I hate leaving things simmer. However, in the case where that doesn’t work… chocolate.


Your goto quote when you’re lacking in motivation?
“Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It’s your masterpiece after all.”

Oooh, we’ll take that. Your secret ingredients for motivation?
Meditation (although I can still only manage five minutes per day), exercise, a good diet and lots of water. If I’m not doing all of those daily, I won’t be in a good mood.

Mondays aren’t the worst because… if they feel like they are, see ‘masterpiece’ quote above and address the something that’s wrong.

Favourite curse word – how does it make you feel? Use it in a sentence.
I don’t think I can tell you; it’s a really really bad one that begins with C. I love to say it when I need to really emphasise a point.

We hear you loud and clear. What are you doing that’s good for your brain?
I like to write, mainly for my travel site. I do it almost daily, and it’s great escapism. I think it’s so important to have a passion project to work on alongside the usual daily grind because no matter how much you like your job eventually it becomes repetitive, and it’s nice to indulge in what you really love to recharge.

Book that you’ll always return to, and why?
Jack Kerouac, On The Road. I read it while driving the Pacific Coast Highway from San Diego to San Francisco. It was such an amazing time in my life with incredible memories and the book really paralleled what I was feeling.


What makes you feel good, that doesn’t cost a penny?
Spending time with my Mam. I LOVE her!!!

Ah, the Irish mammy. A dinner dish that could make any Monday bearable?
I would have generally said sushi, but I’ve just decided to try going vegan for a while after doing some research into my own food intolerances and the global food industry in regard to meat, dairy, eggs and fish. It’s not a pretty sight, so now it would be a nice warm meal from Blazing Salads until I nail this vegan cooking thing myself.

Your top three comforts?
A long hot shower, a great chat and chocolate (85% dark now because of this vegan thing!).

Guilty pleasure?
Travelling as far away and as often as possible. It’s my joie de vivre!

When life gives you lemons… be grateful. Citrus fruits are my absolute fave! I go through so many lemons a week I wish life would give me a few free ones so I don’t have to keep running down to Spar.

Favourite online destinations when you need a pick-me-up?
Instagram for a little window into what the world would be like if everything was perfect and everyone was beautiful all the time. I love it.

That’s a really good way of looking at it and knowing it’s not a true reflection of life but still a nice one. If you could urge women to read one piece of writing, what would it be and why?
Could I suggest something to watch instead? If you search “Best Speech You Will Ever Hear” on YouTube there’s an hour long documentary that’s playing a significant role in my choice to try the vegan lifestyle. Your health is your wealth and for me, this feels like the right choice. I would never suggest anyone do it without understanding their own body’s needs first; I got my food intolerances tested and also consulted with my GP, but I think making conscious choices about what you put into your body really affects the length and quality of your life.

Life motto?
Don’t be a dickhead.

Genius. Follow Daniella here and on The Travel Two and tune into Spin 103.8 at 6.45 am Monday – Friday.