Oh Mr Darcy! When I met Colin Firth in the Four Seasons

Oh Mr Darcy!  When I met Colin Firth in the Four Seasons
By Beaut.ie  | Feb 25, 2009

It was top secret. An intimate gathering of industry movers and shakers were assembling to meet Colin Firth who was in town for the Jameson Film Festival last week. And - gasp - I was going too.

I met Roisin in the lobby of the Four Seasons where we tittered in excitement about the thought of meeting Mr Darcy.

"What do you think he'll be wearing?" we wondered. "Probably a wet shirt" I decided hopefully. We made our way up to the suite where the reception was to take place. No one was eating the yummy canapes for fear that they would fall onto specially-chosen-for-meeting-Colin-Firth outfits. The mini fish and chips in their paper cones looked especially good, but I resisted.

"He's here" Roisin breathed. Turning my head I saw Him framed in the doorway. Impossibly handsome, chatting easily to everyone. "Oh" I said "Oh he's so handsome". And tall, he's really tall. Kind of rumpled and tired looking that evening, he nevertheless oozed charisma. Disappointingly he wasn't curling his lip and standing aloof from the gathering, but hey you can't have everything.

"Drift towards him" suggested the lovely lady in charge of the event knowing we were as giddy as two teenage girls at the thought of meeting Him. Drift - me! Anyone who knows me will know this is an impossibility as I am as clumsy as they come.


In the end I kind of tripped up and had to be steadied by His strong manly Mr Darcy arm. Way to go eh. Bridget Jones couldn't have done any better. The photographer winked at me and took the snap. Roisin of course got on like a house on fire with Him while I stood beside them smiling inanely and saying things like "I love Mamma Mia". I love Mamma Mia! Aaaagh.

The moment Colin Firth left the room everyone fell on the mini fish and chips and while we scoffed we all agreed how great he was.

Happy sigh.

Pic: Sharppix