Sharon Osbourne kicked some guy up the arse last night

Sharon Osbourne kicked some guy up the arse last night
By Beaut  | Jan 7, 2016

Osbourne and her fellow The Talk panellists walked away with a People's Choice Award for 'Favourite Daytime TV Hosting Team' (an award that could not be more specifically designed for them to win) when some randomer decided to pull a Kanye and interrupted Sara Gilbert to introduce himself, give a shoutout to "Kevin Gates" and state that "Yeezy just jumped over Jumpman", whatever that means.

As you can imagine, no one was impressed, most of all Sharon Osbourne who reacted the in the best way possible.

Of course, we immediately went to a Simpsons place. If you ask us she could have done with a bigger boot.


One time, years ago at a music festival, a grown man booted one Team Beaut member up the arse because she wouldn't give him a chip. He was wearing steel-tipped boots.

What are your thoughts on arse-kicking?