The Couple Seen on the No Vote Poster are Not Happy

The Couple Seen on the No Vote Poster are Not Happy
By Beaut  | May 6, 2015

No doubt you've seen Vote No posters plastered across the country, some of which feature a very cute couple smooching the cheek of a baby.

As fate would have, the couple have got wind of the posters and, understandably, they're pretty shocked.

Here's the poster in question.

Comedian Adam Hills, who knows the couple featured, says that they are "appalled that their faces are being used, without permission, to promote something they wholeheartedly disagree with."

He goes on to say that there is precious little they can do about it,  as release forms pretty much give people free reign to sell on their image for whatever purpose they see fit.

Some release forms, however, come with a clause with that indicates a person's image cannot be used for a political campaign unless the person agrees with it.


It's safe to assume that this release form didn't include that clause.

Here's Hills' Facebook post.

Hills concluded his Facebook post, saying that "the beautiful family on that poster is all for Marriage Equality."

It's a pretty tricky situation. And while it's no laughing matter, we couldn't help but think of our old friend Ariane

Do you think people should be allowed to object to their image being used in these sorts of situations? Or once they agree to pose for stock images it should be fair game?