Turning out to vote in today's referendums is an important part of exercising our democratic right and having our voice heard, so it should be treated with the respect that such an important action deserves.
Well, you could do that, or you could tweet a couple of cheesy pickup lines that involve voting in some way, which is what a huge amount of people have been doing today. Most of them are bad puns, but if you are looking to hook up with someone as passionate about democracy as you are, then you could try one of these before the polls close tonight.
That? It's my tick in a box #PollingBoothPickUpLines
— Anthony Mc Guinness (@anthonymcg) May 22, 2015
"Do you come here often?" "No, only whenever the government of the day mandates a nationwide vote" "...groovy..." #PollingBoothPickUpLines
— Dave Fleming (@flemfest2014) May 22, 2015
"I'll let you into my polling booth because you tick all the right boxes" #PollingBoothPickUpLines
— Aedraen Ó Dubhghaill (@Aedraenodubh) May 22, 2015
What happens in the polling booth stays in the polling booth #PollingBoothPickUpLines
— TWEETS FOR CILLINI (@ballykissane) May 22, 2015
I can see your democratic rights aren't the only thing you've been exercising #PollingBoothPickUpLines
— Conor Stitt (@ConorStitt) May 22, 2015
I'm proportionally represented in all the right places. How 'bout you? #PollingBoothPickUpLines
— Marcus (@auric_k) May 22, 2015
I can't find any logical arguments to say no to you #PollingBoothPickUpLines
— Aaron Fleming (@AaronAFleming) May 22, 2015
Has anyone ever tried a particularly cheesy pickup line on you, voting or otherwise?
Main pic via Padriac Dillon/Twitter