This Zac Efron fan had the best 30 seconds of her life

This Zac Efron fan had the best 30 seconds of her life
By Beaut  | Jan 22, 2016

And you thought all these "National something something Days" were all a load of baloney.

As you might have been aware, yesterday was National Hugging Day, and Zac Efron made the dreams of one fan come true when he appeared on Jimmy Kimmel last night and hugged it out with her for a solid 30 seconds of physical contact, all to the tune of Cutting Crew's '(I Just) Died In Your Arms'.

We imagine the woman in question is now the envy of High School Musical fans of yore all over the world, who are having palpitations at the sight of their beloved Troy slow dancing with a rando that could just as easily have been them. Like Kimmel says, it's like a movie prom scene come to life.

We await International Kissing Day with mouths wide.


Via YouTube

If any celeb were to hug you for 30 seconds, who would it be and what 80s rock ballad would play in the background?