What's Your Ex Doing Now? Because You Want To Know That They're Vaguely Unhappy

What's Your Ex Doing Now? Because You Want To Know That They're Vaguely Unhappy
By Beaut.ie  | Aug 27, 2013

So you've just had a break-up, and you're feeling a little tender. On no account do you want to see, talk to, read a tweet about, or discuss anything to do with your ex. The last thing you want is to see said ex out having fun, maybe with another love on their arm.

You'd prefer to think they're wallowing in some dark room, scrolling through your Facebook profile pictures and crying...

Look. There's no point in denying it. When your heart has been wounded by someone, your only salvation is pretending (or knowing) they're just as beat up as you are. So it's nice to know that you can be supported, if not by your friends then by a stranger on the internet.

What's Your Ex Doing Now? is a Tumblr site dedicated to making you feel slightly better about your situation by illustrating some slightly sad (but not mean) scenarios your ex could have gotten themselves in.


SO BLEAK. You want to feel sorry for them, but you're too busy feeling sorry for yourself.

If you feel so inclined, you can tweet a suggestion to the illustrators, @twisteddoodles.

Mine would be: Your ex is getting unnaturally choked up over Taylor Swift lyrics while shopping for a microwave meal-for-one at the supermarket.

I'm kind of shocked at how easily that came out of me. What would yours be?