Why I Like Sarah Jessica Parker

Why I Like Sarah Jessica Parker
By Beaut.ie  | Nov 19, 2006

Love her or loathe her, everyone seems to have an opinion on SJP. Men just don't understand this at all - every time I mention her or she's on TV, my boyfriend starts to make neighing noises and talk about her being outstanding in her field. But what I (and loads of other women) like about her is the fact that she's an extremely attractive woman who isn't blandly or 'Hollywood' beautiful.

Yeah, she has a big nose, she has crows feet and if you take all her features apart none of them are individually great. And she looked bloody awful when she was younger. But I think she looks amazing now, she's 41 and only improving with age. Her features suit her and it's just so nice that there is a really famous actress who looks different, who doesn't conform to a crazy 'ideal' standard, and who hasn't been relegated to the status of character actress. SJP is individual - which is so refreshing these days when every single Hollywood actress seems to be morphing into some Rachel Zoe styled stick-thin crack whore clone, especially the younger ones. Looking at Kate Bosworth recently makes my eyes water. Life cannot possibly be fun if you're that thin.

SJP doesn't seem to have succumbed to the celeb prelediction for endless nipping and tucking (though rumours abound she's more than fond of the old botox) and boring boring boring sheath dresses (hello Jennifer Aniston), and while it was slightly disappointing to realise she wasn't actually Carrie Bradshaw in real life fashion-wise, she always looks great on the red carpet under her own steam.


And to be honest - who would want that selfish me-me-me wagon Carrie as their bessie? Not me! Give me SJP any day. AND I'd make her tell me the truth about Kim Catrall.