Why positive people help you reach your fitness goals

Why positive people help you reach your fitness goals
By Guest  | Jan 21, 2016

This week’s article came to mind after I had a wonderful weekend. It was a pretty typical weekend for me actually, but sometimes I’m just reminded about how happy the little things make me. And how the little things are sometimes best spent with like-minded people.  When you are surrounded by the right people, then life, well, just seems easier!

To be fit and healthy can be challenging at times so it really helps to have friends and family to bring along for the ride. Not all your friends need to be fitness fanatics but finding a middle-ground when it comes to meeting up helps. I’m not trying to brainwash my friends, I won’t suggest a sweating HIIT session to them and they won’t suggest a lock-in to me! While there are more healthy options out there now, it does sometimes seem like the boring option for some. And that’s ok. For me, being active and eating better makes me feel better so I’m sticking to it.

I’ve often received comments like “eat bread”, “have another drink”, “you are weird/ too extreme”. These sound simple, don’t they? But honestly, sometimes they can be irritating or even hurtful. “Why are you eating that?”, “why do you want muscles?”.  People can think it's ok to openly critique what’s on your plate or your weekend plans when they wouldn’t negatively comment on, say, your hair or your outfit. Balance isn’t the same for everyone, each to their own when it comes to choices. I won’t preach to my friends because I respect their choices. The good news is that my family and friends understand my lifestyle and most of them enjoy it too.

Having friends that support you, whatever your goals are, is such a boost. I’m lucky that my weekends are generally filled working out with gym buddies and post gym catch-ups because that’s what my friends are into as well. Breakfast, brunch, hikes in some stunning locations and great company. Last October a group of us got into the Pacific to try surfing; incredibly invigorating! My weekends are social and fun; I’m not torturing myself with my choices. If I fancy a glass of wine, a dessert or a takeaway I’ll go for it. Life is about enjoyment and it's better enjoyed with friends.

If your friends are not supporting your health and fitness goals then maybe have a little chat with them, you never know things might change for the better!


Until next week,

Fi x

Metabolic Fitness Trainer

Follow Fiona’s fitness adventure on Instagram!