Last week we popped along to the opening of the new Space NK store on Grafton St. There was ooh-ing and aah-ing, shrieking and swooning and I am pretty sure that the Order of Malta had to be called in at some point to pick up some overwhelmed women who had almost impaled themselves on a selection of lipstick bullets.
And we are getting ready to resume our hollering because this week we are going to pop back to the store (oh, yes, the hideousness of the things we have to do) to meet the one and only skincare-guru Caroline Hirons. She'll be in their Grafton St store this Wednesday, June 25th between 3pm and 5pm. It's a drop-in session so no need for any ticket malarky (I'd bet my house that it will be super busy so I'd advise you to get in early).
But we know that an afternoon trip to Dublin's city centre isn't an option for all of you. So we're going along a little earlier to have a proper chinwag and a cup of tea with the lady herself.
So, is there a skincare question that's been driving you crackers? Do you wonder what's in her own bathroom cabinet? Well, here’s your chance to potentially get your question answered by this amazing skincare expert.
Leave us your query as a comment below. Then we’ll pick out some of the best, put them to the beautiful Caroline and report back in due course!