Pink Ribbon Pilates and How It Can Assist Breast Cancer Survivors

Survivors of breast cancer in Ireland are growing in number but are often let down by the lack of continuity in their care once they have completed their surgery and treatment and again if they have reconstruction surgery. The emotional trauma of this process is often talked about and acknowledged; however the physical trauma is less discussed and there are very few clear rehabilitation options.

There are numerous physical side effects from breast cancer surgery and treatment as well as from resulting protective posturing. Women are often left with consistent pain and swelling as well as significantly reduced range of movement in the shoulder and arm.

This can make even mundane, daily activities such as brushing hair or putting on a bra difficult and a return to ‘normal life’ very challenging. Whereas in the past the medical advice was to rest the affected area, recent studies indicate a link between moderate physical exercise and improved quality of life for breast cancer survivors.

It is with this in mind that Doreen Puglisi developed the Pink Ribbon program in the US, a unique Pilates based program specifically for the needs and challenges facing any women recovering from Breast Cancer related surgery. The aim of the program is to ensure that every women has the ability to regain a sense of physical and emotional well being that has often been lost from surgery and into recovery.


Based on Doreen’s Puglisi’s work, Pink Ribbon Pilates is a six week program currently run out of two Dublin based Pilates studios, Reform Pilates in Blackrock and Live & Breathe Pilates in the city centre. There are plans to roll it out into other locations throughout the country.


The goal of the Pink Ribbon Pilates program is to empower women and provide them with additional aids for recovery from their surgery whether they have had a lumpectomy, a full mastectomy or something in between. During the course of the program, participants will be shown how to progressively stretch and strengthen their shoulders, chest and back to regain full range of movement and reduce risk of lymphoedema - a very common and debilitation condition associated with removals of lymph nodes.

In addition to the purely physical benefits, the program will help improve posture, alleviate pain, reduce stress and enhance energy levels. It is suitable for those recovering from recent surgery and for those who are many years post surgery. Through this program it is hoped that patients will have access to the continuity of care that they need.

Anna Frankland is the Course Instructor & Owner of Reform Pilates

Anything that helps breast cancer survivors is ok in our book! Are you doding anything to help spread breast cancer awareness this Pink October?

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