Would You Watch a Dirty Dancing TV Reboot?

It's happening. Not only are they messing with Dirty Dancing but they are also putting former child star Abigail Breslin in the main role. That's the same actress who won our hearts over in Little Miss Sunshine, My Sister's Keeper, Definitely Maybe and countless more.

She's all grown up now at nineteen-years-old and will star in the TV remake of the movie for ABC in what's set to be a three-hour adaptation of the original story, which for those that may not have seen it, is about a young girl who falls for a dance instructor while on her hollybobs.

No word yet on who will play the late Patrick Swayze, although randomly we reckon it should be that Neville Longbottom kid from Harry Potter. Have you seen him recently? That dude seriously lucked out with puberty. He could totally pull off the Swayze vibe.

They also haven't said when we can expect to see this newfangled version on our telly boxes but we do know that Eleanor Bergstein, who wrote the screenplay for the original movie, is on board.

Hopefully that means our memories of the original won't be that badly tainted, after all, that Abigail kid has already proven she's got the moves...


Is that one of the greatest movie dance scenes of all time? We think so.

Definitely up there with this anyways.

Good idea / Bad idea? You decide.

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