Ah crepe... What to do when eyelids take on an unwanted new texture

Ah crepe... What to do when eyelids take on an unwanted new texture
By Beaut.ie  | May 13, 2011

Noticing new evidence of the ageing process always sends me into a panic, and while I thought I'd quite enough to be dealing with apparently old Ma' Nature had other ideas. Completely without warning about a week ago, my eyelids - which had always been nice and taut and, y'know, unremarkable - suddenly looked very crepey at the inner corners.

Every fibre of my being silently screamed "shhhiiiiiiIIIITE!" because while I have a game plan for things like grey hairs (dye and more dye), lines caused by my over-expressive forehead (Aveda Green Science Line Minimiser), and my arse heading south (whingeing about it), how to deal with what I think are prematurely crepey eyelids isn't something I've ever previously thought about.

Mine are, I suspect, mostly down to genetics and maybe exacerbated by lifestyle factors like sun exposure (having to wear my specs instead of sunglasses in the sun) and a habit of rubbing my eyes when tired. Needless to say, it's big sunnies all the way now and I sit on my hands when I feel the urge to rub.


Improving texture and minimising the look of crepey eyelids isn't as simple as slapping eyecream on them, unfortunately, because not all are suitable for use so close to the eyes and can cause irritation and even swelling.

It's early days, but I think the wonder capsules that are Elizabeth Arden's Ceramide Gold Ultra Lift and Strengthening Eye Capsules are helping to soften the edges of my crepiness. Using an eyeshadow primer is suddenly a necessity rather than a nice bit of optional prep work: my Too Faced Shadow Insurance helps smooth things out as well as giving eyeshadow and eyeliner something to stick to. And I'm even more careful than usual about removing eye make-up, soaking cotton pads in eye make-up remover and applying them to eyes for a few minutes to loosen everything up and allow it to slide off without dragging.