Beaut.ienomics: save megabucks with home hair removal

Beaut.ienomics: save megabucks with home hair removal
By  | May 13, 2009

Going salon only for your defuzzing adds up like you wouldn't believe.

Just say you didn't remove one single blade of hair yourself - ever. What kind of money would you be spending. We're talking eyebrows, we're talking bikini, we're talking legs, we're talking underarms.

Here's a rough estimate of what it might cost every say five or six weeks. The cost will vary of course depending on where you get it done - but the principle is the same.

Standard Bikini wax €20
Half leg wax €25
Underarm wax €15
Brow wax €10


Optional add ons might include an upgrade to brazilian waxing instead of the basic bikini version €55; tache waxing €15; full leg wax instead of half leg €45.

So lets take our 'standard package' at €70 a pop. Say you got this done ten times a year - and a lot of people do. Thats €700 - and if you went for the optional add ons you'd be spending €1,400 a year.

Let's go even further and get a Financial Advisor in on this one (not one who's advised the banks however). Over five years you would spend €3500 on basic waxing and if you were putting that into a Regular Saver you'd be earning interest too. Tut tut, get out the razor, said the Financial Advisor. But then he looked like he spent all his money on expensive suits and flash cars so it's really all a matter of priorities I think.

But still, if you want to save cash - shave your legs. Or even better get an epilator, it'll save you a fortune.