Best Beauty Products 2015: Serum

Best Beauty Products 2015: Serum
By Aisling Powell  | Dec 9, 2015

I can't say I ever really believed skin care could reverse the hands of time. I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE my skin care and I love my products. I love all the textures and the lovely feeling that comes with opening a brand new pot, jar or bottle. I love the packaging and I love when my skin feels moisturised and hydrated. But when it comes to serums and moisturiser I can't say I truly looked ten years younger in a week.

Until I tried Immortelle from DoTerra.

It has made me a true believer in functional products again and that is why I am awarding it best beauty serum of the year.

  • Do Terra Immortelle.

At €72 it is a stretch, but a little goes a long way. Within five days of using this wonder product, the lines around my eyes were less pronounced, redness was highly reduced, my pores appeared smaller and my over all skin appearance was considerably more even.

It is a 100% natural blend of Frankincense Resin, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Lavender Flower, Myrrh Resin, Helichrysum Flower, and Rose Flower essential oils. All the good stuff, none of which have been synthetically modified but purely outsourced from the area where they grow wild and free. This stuff is so pure it is one of the only oils that can be used topically and others from this range can even be ingested. Yep, you read right - you can eat them. And all products have been backed up by doctors. It is available online from


Getting the silver serum medal is:

  • SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic

This innovative combination helps reinforce the skin’s natural protection against free radicals. Which basically means it helps reduce the appearance of the visible signs of photo-damage such as wrinkles and dark spots.

Like DoTerra, SkinCeuticals is a scientific brand, with all of their products backed up and used within the medical industry. It is a really good product but it did make my skin quite shiny, so even though it is recommended to use it daily, it just didn't sit well under my make up. So, I switched to using it nightly. My skin also seems slightly more sensitive while using it, which I'm hoping is a sign that it's working. But this also means that it is very important to use an SPF with it.

Have you found a serum that has changed the way you think about serum? Or do you use one at all?