Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Gold capsules: quench the lines

Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Gold capsules: quench the lines
By Beaut.ie  | Mar 19, 2009

I'm not sure why I ever stopped using these, it was probably my obsession with trying out new things that did it.

How and ever. I'd finished my trusty Strivectin and decided it was time to try New Eye Creams. The ceramide capsules fell under this heading and when I first used them I thought - these are brilliant! Apart from the fact that it took me ages to work out how to actually get the capsules to open. ( For the record you have to be twisting the top for ages and then give the neck a quick pinch when it gets suitably weak.)

I loved the little box full of wonders, like little golden fishies. I loved the texture of the contents of the capsules, it's a lovely serum and spreads easily out over the eye area. But most of all I loved the results. This is proper anti ageing magic.


But I think another inferior eye cream took me away. And then another. The Ceramide Gold got shoved to the back of a drawer and forgotten about. That's how I ended up with dehydrated under eye lines that made me look about ninety in the last couple of months. Central heating wreaks havoc on my skin and dries it out really quickly.

When I started to use these again a couple of weeks ago it rehydrated and firmed the under eye area very quickly indeed - a couple of days and I noticed a difference. These little golden wonders really do work. Love 'em.