Fancy a little freebie? Nab yerself some L'Oreal Revitalift!

Fancy a little freebie? Nab yerself some L'Oreal Revitalift!
By  | Oct 13, 2008

In the market for a new anti-wrinkle potion? Want to have a free, gratis, and for nothin' go of a new one before parting with your hard-earned?

Well if so, hurry on down to Bargaintowwwwn... er, head over to where L'Oreal are doling out samples of their newly reformulated Revitalift, which now contains Elastin and Pro-Retinol A to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and leave skin feeling firmer.


And don't hold the fact that Andi McAnnoyingpants does their telly ads against them - based on unit and value sales, the Revitalift skincare line is the world's most popular anti-wrinkle programme!