Glittering, Sparkling Makeup - Best Silver & Navy Shadows

Glittering, Sparkling Makeup - Best Silver & Navy Shadows
By  | Dec 19, 2007

Who doesn't love a little sparkle over The Christmas?

ME ME ME! Lets take a look at some scrummy silver and navy shadows so! It's a sharp combo, and looks a tad more sophisticated than an eyelid filled with just blinding platinum, I reckon.


Clockwise from bottom left, my picks are: Too Faced Galaxy Glam in Deep Space ; NARS single eyeshadow in Night Snow; in the middle are two Dianne Brill Eye Lingerie shadows in (top) Lace Stockings and (bottom) Metallic Lace; Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Uzi, and L'Oreal Colour Appeal Holographic.