Mammies Take Note: Lancome Absolue Nuit Ultimate Bx Ist Rad

Mammies Take Note: Lancome Absolue Nuit Ultimate Bx Ist Rad
By  | Aug 31, 2009

When a product lands on the newsdesk that isn't one I know I can try myself, I turn to my willing army of testers, one of whom includes the mammy.

Problem. Mammy generally only likes to receive products that are shockin' dear and would turn her nose firmly up at Olay, should I ever bestow any upon her. Lucky so, that Lancome's Absolue Nuit Ultimate ßx costs €200, then, eh? I gifted her with this concentrated night time serum a few months ago and haven't heard the bleedin' end of it yet.

"Oh it's fabulous," gushed BM when asked how she was getting on with it. She began to channel someone in a L'Oreal ad: "my skin just feels so soft and smooth, I can't get over it." And yes, it has definitely done a number on her: she's looking mighty fine as it is, but this stuff had re-texturised her noggin and things were definitely looking smoother and plumper.


That'll be down to ingredients like concentrated Pro-Xylane (which, fact fans, you'll also find in L'Oreal Paris Derma Genesis and Garnier's Pro X ranges) and Lancome say "skin feels more comfortable and looks beautifully radiant.  Skin is intensely nourished with moisture and feels denser." I - and the mammy - say, yup, this is true.

Of course, all good things must come to an end, as did the bottle of Lancome Absolue Nuit Ultimate ßx. "Oh," says the mammy sadly and planitively, "do you think there's any chance at all they might send you another bottle?" "No," I replied firmly, "that was a one-time offer only."

So if you or your mum (or indeed, my mum) would like to check out the admittedly expensive benefits of this little gem, then you'll find it at Lancome counters now.