Protect & Perfect your handies with No7

Protect & Perfect your handies with No7
By  | Aug 14, 2008

We all remember the ma-hoossive kerfuffle created by No7's Protect & Perfect serum last year, after BBC2's Horizons science programme declared that it did exactly what it said on the tin. At one stage, there was a waiting list 100,00 names long in the UK and you just couldn't get your paws on the stuff for love nor money; when great big "It's BACK!" signs started to appear in Boots windows around the country there were frenzied stampedes to the newly restocked stands and purchases were rationed to one per person.

No doubt No7 are hoping for a similar performance from the shiny new Protect & Perfect hand cream, which launched yesterday in Irish stores as part of their burgeouning Protect & Perfect line. Promising more than just long-lasting moisture to handies stressed out by hard work and wierd weather conditions, this hand cream also claims to reduce fine lines, even skin tone in two weeks, and fade age spots with four week's use.


Oooooh, sounds fancy. Wonder if it can also make the tea!