Protein Conditioners - the Lowdown

Protein Conditioners - the Lowdown
By  | Aug 1, 2008

So (one of) my new obsessions is finding the perfect conditioner for my annoying-as-all-hell hair. Most of us tend to go for something super-moisturising when we've a dry-hair issue, but a hairdresser pointed out to me recently that sometimes what weak, frizzy or dry barnets actually need is protein. There's a reason those DIY recipes call for egg yolks, folks, and it's precisely because of our auld friend, the building blocks of life.

Intensive treatment conditioners and masques that contain proteins work by swelling the hair shafts, allowing the goodness to get into the cuticle and heal hair from within. I tip the nod to Frederic Fekkai's effective Protein RX range which includes a masque, shampoo and conditioner, and which is avalilable at Strawberrynet, from €19.50, and Brown Thomas Dublin, for a bit more.


Joico's K Pak range, at salons, is another that's great for damaged, dull hair, and here's a tip - if you live in a hard water area and your hair is suffering, the shampoo is the one for you.