Blast from the Past! Chunk From The Goonies Turned up to the Emmys

Blast from the Past! Chunk From The Goonies Turned up to the Emmys
By  | Sep 22, 2015

In a word - he's unrecognisable. It's up there with a Will Wheaton level of change. (You did have a crush on Wesley Crusher too, didn't you? Surely it wasn't just us?)

Anyway, here he is:

Chunk, or 'Jeff Cohen' to his friends, put in an appearance at a pre-Emmy party and set more than a few tongues wagging given no one recognised him. Well, at lot can happen in twenty years.

According to Us Weekly, since starring in the cult kids comedy back in 1985, Jeff is now an entertainment lawyer, which now makes us wonder who his celeb clients are...

Now, on to Wes.


For those of you don't watch The Big Bang Theory, this is what the very pretty kid from Stand By Me / Star Trek  looks like now.

Who was your celeb crush when you were a young 'un? Wes Crusher? The middle son from Home Improvement? Hobie Buchannon from Baywatch?