Brace yourselves: Asian teens risking their lives with new metal-mouth fashion trend

Brace yourselves: Asian teens risking their lives with new metal-mouth fashion trend
By  | Jul 15, 2013

The geek chic trend has been huge news for a long time now - buttoned-up shirts, satchels, and thick-framed glasses are wardrobe staples, and looking neat and preppy has never been more cool.

However as with all trends there are always some people who take it to the next level, often to very interesting (read: ridiculous and/or dangerous) effect.

The latest advancement in geek chic is probably the most bonkers trend we've heard of in a long time. Young people in Asia are buying fake braces - yep, you read that right, FAKE BRACES - on the black market to put on their teeth.

The craze first appeared in Thailand as far back as 2006, but has since spread to Indonesia and China. Over there, the high cost of dental care means braces are seen as a status symbol, so teens are hopping on the chance to procure them at €100 a pop.

Madness, right? But wait until you hear this. The wires on the fake braces contain lead  (not exactly something you want to have in your mouth) and have been linked to two deaths in Thailand.


I dunno you guys. After experiencing two years of cut lips, an oft-blistered tongue and some very painful eating thanks to my own braces, I am unwilling to embrace orthodontia as a fashion trend.

Niall Horan of 1D and Gwen Stefani sporting braces, and a creepy closeup of coloured elastics.

Not saying they can't look really cute - coloured elastics are adorable - but along with glasses with clear, non-prescription lenses, I'll probably leave the braces to people who actually have to wear them. I'll take neat collared shirts and brogues (plus my own very needed specs) as my nod to geek chic any day.

I probably don't need to ask what you think, but just reassure me - you all think this is nuts, right?