Even Laura Whitmore Suffered Through Awkward Teenage Years

Even Laura Whitmore Suffered Through Awkward Teenage Years
By Beaut.ie  | Nov 16, 2015

This is stirring up a range of memories we would rather forget. Pimples, gangly arms and legs, feelings of woe. Eurgh. Everyone has suffer through the scourge of teenage years though, even people like lovely Laura Whitmore, who has opened up about her cingesome memories in a new interview.

Speaking with A Lust For Life (by way of promoting her new jewellery line), she said, "No one escapes the teenage years without A LOT of challenges. I had many. I was awkward. Petrified of boys. I was scrawny with no boobs.I grew up in a small house with just my mam and felt quite lonely at times. I always thought I wasn’t cool enough in school, I was in the 'nerd' crew. I actually enjoyed studying..."

For those who feel in the same boat, she has some rousing words of advice, "I think if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. It’s tough as some people may get more opportunities than others but at the end of the day it is 'hard work' that gets you where you want to be and keeps you there."

And if you'd like to see the wares Whitmore is promoting, cop a load of this lovely lot.


But enough about cringey teenage years, what about those rings? We're quite taken with the rose gold ones...