Game of Thrones Cast: See how they've all changed since season 1

Game of Thrones Cast: See how they've all changed since season 1
By Fiona Flynn  | Jun 24, 2016

Five years ago we would never have believed that a medieval fantasy show about dragons and zombies - starring pretty much nobody famous other than Sean Bean - would one day become the most popular TV series in the world, but here we all are (albeit without Sean Bean).

The cast of Game of Thrones could have had no idea what they were letting themselves in for when they signed on the dotted line for this series, some of which have pretty much grown up on the show.

The characters have had their lives thrown into so much turmoil, that it's almost hard to remember those opening episodes of season one, when the Starks were all just one big happy family... with Jon Snow.

Sigh. They should never have left Winterfell.
