Last night's Room to Improve was the stuff of nightmares

Last night's Room to Improve was the stuff of nightmares
By Fiona Flynn  | Feb 29, 2016

The nation sat down to their weekly dose of the emotional rollercoaster that is Room to Improve, and while we got the usual debate over the windows, problems with the roof and a frustrated builder, what we didn't predict is the house of fungal horrors this young couple were living in.

The pair had bought the house a few years back with THEIR HEART, in case you had forgotten, but their dream house turned into a nightmare when they released the walls were infected with some incredibly gross fungus that we're still trying to forget we ever saw.

It's just a bit of mould, it's JUST mould...

A lot of you were equally as traumatised;


The whole house essentially had to be gutted, and the roof removed... at least they didn't have to burn it to the ground which is what we initially would have wanted to do.

That white cardigan though...