Modern Family Have a Very 'Modern' Episode Coming Up...

Modern Family Have a Very 'Modern' Episode Coming Up...
By Fiona Flynn  | Feb 19, 2015

The times they are a-changing, as is how we watch television. Fans of Modern Family will certainly see a new take on things next week in a brand new episode which will be recorded almost entirely on Apple’s iPhone 6 and the iPad. The future of TV is here, folks!

The episode will be called "Connection Lost", and will focus on Claire's attempt to track down Haley to reconcile after a fight. She'll use all forms of communications possible to contact her from FaceTime to Facebook with all members of the family involved.

The show's co-creator Steve Levitan confirmed to The Times how the episode was filmed stating; "Everything was shot on the iPhone 6 or new iPads, with one or two small scenes shot using MacBook Pros."

The episode will be shown stateside on ABC on February 25th so hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer for it to air this side of the pond. And who knows, there could be more where that came from, someone could make a whole iPhone series yet.

Would you watch a show shot entirely on a phone? Would it not just make you a little Blair Witch-y dizzy? And is Modern Family on your top three tv picks? Let us know!
