True Detective Season 2 Finally Given Irish Air Date

True Detective Season 2 Finally Given Irish Air Date
By Fiona Flynn  | Apr 21, 2015

It's been well over a year since we last saw True Detective on our screens, with constant speculation since it finished about the future of the show, what the storyline would be, and who would take on the lead roles.

We learned in recent months that our own Colin Farrell would be starring in the series alongside Vince Vaughn and Rachel McAdams, and we've even had a teaser trailer. However, at long last we know when we can watch this first episode here in Ireland (legally, folks).

Sky Atlantic have today announced that the second season will premiere in Ireland and the UK on Monday June 22, just one day after its US broadcast on HBO.

That's only two short months away, folks! Now all we have to do is pray it won't be a massive over-hyped let down.... but sure Colin Farrell doesn't do over-hyped let downs right? Ahem...


Will you be watching?