Watch: This is brilliant. The Evolution of Get Lucky - from 1920 - 2020

Watch: This is brilliant. The Evolution of Get Lucky - from 1920 - 2020
By  | Jun 16, 2013

I cannot swear this is the last time we'll ever have Daft Punk's Get Lucky on the site (because we love it so blimmin much) but I HAD to show you this.

It's actually genuis.  What would Get Lucky have sounded like in 1920, 1930 - would it have got its rock and roll groove on in the 50s - and mellowed out in the 60s?

Oddly they don't use the actual Get Lucky for the 2010 decade - it sounds horrible.  And as for 2020 - cripes.  At the end the French dude who developed the concept explains it all, but as my knowledge of French expired around the time of the Leaving Cert, I had to skip this bit.

Give this a watch!


Which decade is your favourite incarnation (for the record mine is firmly the 80s).