Who's on the Late Late show this Friday night?

Who's on the Late Late show this Friday night?
By Beaut.ie  | May 5, 2016

Stop what you're doing and mark this in yizzer diaries; the guests for Tubs' Late Late Show this Friday have been revealed. One of Ireland's most recognisable TV faces, Charlie Bird, will join Ryan on the eve of his wedding to discuss his pending nuptials and whatever else he's been up to since his retirement.

Then, sure to garner a significant number of viewers, given the popularity of First Dates Ireland, some of the series' favourites will make an appearance to talk about their experience of the reality dating show and how 'scarleh' it was to embark on their hunt for love with the whole country watching.

They'll also welcome another TV presenter and entrepreneur, Feargal Quinn, who'll regale us with stories from his long and varied career while Jimmy Webb will provide the oul bit o' music. This part we're excited for; for those who don't know the name, he's written world famous hits for the likes of Frank Sinatra and Nina Simone, so at this point you can look forward to your second wind.

Linda Martin will also perform her Eurovision winner 'Why Me?' while we at home will no doubt be watching, saying 'why us?'


As for  the story that will really strike a chord on this Friday's Late Late Show, it will be that of 51 year old Maureen Allman, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two and a half year ago. Sadly, her diagnosis has now been declared as terminal, yet she's determined to grab life with both hands while she still can.

She herself got in touch with the Late Late Show with a desire to share her story. Shining a light on something that many of us will find difficult to even comprehend, Maureen will certainly challenge our perspective on every day life, encouraging us to make the most of it. She says "I believe in living life and until they put me six foot under, I am going to be alive. Death is on the horizon and we have been very pragmatic in how we have dealt about death. Most of my funeral arrangements are made and it’s great, it means that somebody doesn’t have the responsibility of trying to figure out what I would or wouldn’t like. But life is awfully, awfully good".

All of that and plenty more; stay tuned.