Runner wedges are back but is version this a step too far?

Runner wedges are back but is version this a step too far?
By Miriam Burke  | Jun 21, 2017

These runner wedges are the '90s fashion reminder we didn't need

Isabel Marant has a lot to answer for. Don't get me wrong; I love the brand. But she is responsible for runner wedges, and I don't know if I'm down with that.

I say I don't know because this is fashion, darling, and there's a good chance I'll change my mind.

Platform runners aren't a new concept, of course, and Isabel Marant's version has been around for years. But it's all so very Victoria Beckham in L.A, you know? When she had a mahogany tan, peroxide hair and those balloons she called boobs. She's over it; why aren't we all?

It all started way, way back in Victoria's Spice Girls, although she didn't partake in the trend back then. It was Baby and Ginger and Scary's domain. I remember buying a pair of platform runners in Penneys (when Penneys wasn't cool) and wearing them with my school uniform. I'm leaving them there. In the distant past. Where they belong.

The runner wedges that stopped me in my tracks live nonchalantly on Topshop's website. They are of the more chunky variety of the genre, and they are so very 1999 Buffalo.

TINA Platform Trainers €76

I've come around to platform espadrilles and desperately want theses ones from Zara, but they're always sold out when I go to buy them.

Zara €49.95
Actually, Topshop has a version too.
Topshop €36

The TINA's, though, they're in a different league altogether, and I'm not sure I want to be part of it. What say you?