Do you love wandering down the aisles in Boots (pre-covid days obvs) or browsing online for the latest skincare products and trends? Do you get a thrill out of trying new products and watching as your skin is transformed from drab to fab? Well, we have some good news for you!
We are looking for some beauty enthusiasts to trial an exciting new product for us.
What's the product?
No7's Advanced Retinol 1.5% Complex Night Concentrate
What's the hype?
It contains retinol which is hailed as the 'Miracle Ingredient' by many a skincare fanatic. It can really help with a variety of skin concerns. From fine-lines to acne scarring, this game-changing ingredient promises to have you glowing in no time. Read all about the product in full here.
How do I apply?
Send an email to [email protected] with your name, phone number, age and address. We will select people at random to take part in the product trial and will send you an email back if you have been chosen!
We can't wait to hear from you!