Hello. My name is Kirstie and I'm an oil-slut.
I had a long-term thing with Trilogy's Rosehip oil late last year, enjoyed a brief flirtation with a couple of bottles of argan oil recently too, but once this lovely bottle of yellow goodness appeared on my radar, I was suckered good and proper.
It's Clarins Huile Orchidee Bleue, or to me, Blue Orchid Oil, righ? It's €41.50 and you get 40ml for that outlay. So why do I like it? Superficial things first, it smells yum. That's thanks, I think, to the fact it's got rosewood and patchouli in there. This particular product is designed to combat dehydration and suits my dry skin well (there are also Clarins oils for dry/very dry skin and combo skin).
The orchid's the thing that does the trick along with hazlenut oil. The former is used to "revitalize and tone the epidermis", with the latter helping to "prevent moisture loss and signs of aging." Two-to-three drops are best applied on slightly damp skin post-cleanse, and there's just one thing I don't like about this. That's the fact it's a bit messy: I'd much prefer a dropper-style applicator but with this you just pour the oil out, which means it runs down the sides and you have to be careful what you place it on. Not your antique chippendale chest of drawers beqeathed by a handsome benefactor, for example.
It's a small gripe really, and the performance of the product means the application method is just a niggle and not a deal-breaker.