In Praise of Nail Buffing

Aphrodite has already sung the praises of this fab self administered nail treat and I'm a very recent convert too. As she's off to Bali, we did present exchange yesterday and one of her pressies to me was a Mavala nail kit, which included a buffing set.

So, I got into bed last night with Himself, all set to watch Seinfeld. I began buffing, he looked at me curiously. "Do you mind if I do this while we watch telly?", I asked. Him "no no, work away". So off I went, vigorously buffing and polishing until he could take no more and had to beg me to stop as I was making him feel sea-sick. Ha ha! Poor himself! I'm banned from in-bed buffing now, so I think I'll just take it to the couch from now on.


But it's so good! I've been admiring and stroking my nails all day - they're smooth, satiny finished and they look great. And buffing isn't just for us gals, men can buff to their hearts content too - it'll give you healthy smooth nails and you won't look girly, honest.
Viva la Buffing!

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