Aerin Fragrance: The Standout Christmas Scent Collection

Aerin Fragrance: The Standout Christmas Scent Collection
By  | Dec 13, 2013

We're divils here for a high quality fragrance. None of your new car scented body sprays from the Euro shop will do! Fragrance just seems to be one of those key items on the nightstand that every woman feels is worth investing in when she can. It's also one of the nicest gifts to receive from anyone - a bottle of perfume can say 'I love you' to your granny, 'I appreciate you' to your mammy, or, when given by a partner, it can say things that your mammy shouldn't know about.  Scent is evocative and emotional, and that's why it's such a lovely, intimate gift.

Throughout her lifetime, a woman will find many a fragrance that she feels is the 'one', only to unceremoniously cheat on that fragrance with another soon after. We have a ceaseless appetite for scent. So I keep that firmly in mind when I say that I've found 'another' one!

Estée Lauder's sister brand, Aerin, is the  dark horse of Brown Thomas' beauty hall. You'll find the only Aerin concession in Ireland there, nestled next to the Estée Lauder counter. I keep finding myself passing other brands to see what Aerin has to offer - the collections are small (it's a relatively new brand) but utterly sumptuous. While perving at their cosmetics the other day, I noticed that Aerin have launched a range of five fragrances.

'Meh', I thought. No harm in having a sniff, but I'm a scent freak. I thought that they looked very pretty next to their individual patterned boxes, each lid adorned with a gem-like stone in a different pastel colour. But they wouldn't pass my schnoz test.

I really have to stop being so judgemental. The moment I put Amber Musk to my nose, I knew that I'd happened upon my next fragrance. There is literally a fragrance here for every woman of every age, and they're all soft, beautiful and feminine.

Amber musk is a heady winter scent. It's deep, warm and snug. One sniff and I wanted to wrap myself in the stuff.


Evening Rose is a real surprise. Aerin Lauder herself describes it as the ultimate evening scent, and the combination of rose and cognac in this fragrance creates a sophisticated, grown up evening fragrance that is both floral and musky.

Lilac is a beautiful vintage scent that is quite hard to come by these days. Lilac Path has all the spring freshness of lilac flowers without being too much. If you like vintage scents, or know someone who does , then this scent would make a really lovely Christmas gift.

Ikat Jasmine is just what you'd expect - a really potent jasmine experience in a bottle, and Gardenia Rattan would make a great light and zesty summer scent.

Aerin fragrances are available now. They're rather pricey at €115 for 50mls, but if you're looking for an extra special gift for someone who really appreciates fragrance, these fit the bill!

Are you very particular about fragrance? And how do you feel about leaving old favourites on the shelf and trying a new scent?