Wonders: What's The Worst Present You've Ever Given? Wonders: What's The Worst Present You've Ever Given?
By  | Dec 16, 2011

In the past, we've cried laughing (and sometimes just cried) about the absolute crap that we've been on the receiving end of at Christmas time. That might sound nearly as ungrateful as Jemima Khan is about scented candles, but it's difficult to hold on to the "it's the thought that counts" mentality when presented with a box of chocolates that have clearly been pawed through, or a single boxed Dove soap, or something recycled that's obviously on it's second or third outing of being regifted (dust, broken bits, and gift tags addressed to the person who's passing it on are all dead giveaways.)

You can have a read of offenders from Christmas past here (last year's round-up) and here (the worst Secret Santa presents EVER); there are some proper howlers in the comments section of both posts.

Today, though, it's your personal gifting habits that I'm interested in probing (I'm snapping on a pair of metaphorical latex gloves right now, people. Safety first.) That's right: I want to know all about the most dreadful gift you're guilty of doling out. Maybe you were a kid; maybe you thought it was awesome right up until the moment the wrapping came off and it was too late to do anything about it (sorry again about the foot spa, Dad); maybe you gave someone a pressie that was a bit close to the bone out of sheer thoughtlessness ("Japanese Women Don't Get Old Or Fat", anyone?); maybe you only discovered afterwards that Victoria Jackson isn't quite the premium make-up brand you thought at the time and have been morto ever since.


Or maybe, just maybe, you knew exactly what you were doing.

'fess up!