Coming soon! Paris Hilton's velcro stick on hair extensions

Coming soon!  Paris Hilton's velcro stick on hair extensions
By  | Sep 18, 2008

Due to be released on Monday. "A new one-piece hair extension by Paris Hilton that makes changing the length of your hair as quick and easy as sliding on a headband!"

I had to stifle a giggle at the launch of Paris Hilton's latest business venture a couple of weeks ago. "Want hair like Paris's?" shrieked the press releases. "Who wouldn't!".   Now you can achieve her luscious long locks with 'The Bandit', a revolutionary hairband with 100% synthetic hair attached. Read all about The Bandit on its own purty website.

"Everyone should have one" purred Paris. Well you can bet your ass that Paris herself doesn't wear these cheap lookin yokes. She already endorses another (much) more expensive hair extension line.


I'm so reminded of those baseball caps with nylon hair attached that young fellas at festivals wore to be "mad" and "have the craic".

This is so not hot