Confession time: Are you a closet fan of the frosted finish?

Confession time: Are you a closet fan of the frosted finish?
By  | Jun 14, 2011

A very worrying trend has come to my attention in the course of the last couple of weeks. It's not shaven forearms or Cheryl-alike bouffant hair or even yellow eyeshadow.

Oh no. It's something much more terrifying than even that unholy triumvirate put together.

The frosted or pearlised finish seems to be making a comeback.

Last spotted on your ma circa 1984, frosted, pearlised and iridescent nail polishes have been popping up in my line of vision left right and centre recently on the hands of young women who otherwise seem perfectly normal and lovely. I was rendered momentarily speechless each time and couldn't stop gawking in horror at the nails in question.


There's just no grey area for me when it comes to these gick aberrations; the only place for frosting in my book is atop a cupcake or similar confection. I like my nail polish proper opaque with not so much as a hint of a smile line, thankyouvermuch, and have never been a fan of sheer or jelly polishes. I can't understand why you'd want to crossbreed either with a poor excuse for a metallic to create a frosted finish Frankenstein's monster.

These polishes don't look the slightest bit summery or fresh to my eyes. They look dated and make me wonder if the wearer's been cleaning out her old room at her parents' gaff and unearthed a box of old slap.

Am I an awful wagon altogether for all this hatin' on the frosted finish? And are you a secret lover of the look?