Friday Feelings: How Do You Take Your Makeup From Day to Night?

Friday Feelings: How Do You Take Your Makeup From Day to Night?
By Beaut  | May 15, 2015

We have definitely got that Friday Feeling today. We really are so excited and no, we just can't hide it. In fact, we have decided on some impromptu after work cocktails and we're going as soon as that clock strikes 6. 

We speak a lot about quick fixes here (because who has the time to perfect their makeup over hours long sessions every time? Who, we asks ya?) and Laura gave a very handy 'shabby to chic' tutorial last year that we have bookmarked especially for times like these, but you know what we're like here; we always want more, more, MORE!

Another Laura trick we use is spritzing some fixing spray on our hours old made-up faces so that it sort of softens and makes it easier to reapply without dragging whatever was originally there. I tend to take off my mascara when I can (and my under eye concealer) because sometimes fresh mascara layered over dried mascara creates that not-at-all fetching three thick eyelashes look. It's much quicker to focus on this area rather than the whole shebang. 


We welcome any suggestions for how to take your work day look to evening, especially for when you didn't expect to be seen in public after hours and you left most of your makeup behind. 

Are you feeling fine this Friday? Are you going out? How do you refresh your day makeup (or hair, sure why not bring that into the mix) after a full day?